Electronic Signatures
Electronic Signatures for small business
Everyone knows at tax time it can be frustrating signing your name over and over again. It can also be time consuming getting other family members to sign their documents and getting the whole pile of paperwork back to us in the mail.
You may not be aware but when we receive your paperwork, we first store the documents electronically and then shred the originals, making this whole frustrating process both wasteful and inefficient.
We have been searching for a better way, and we are excited that from July 2014, electronic signatures are available on GKRA documentation.
What is an Electronic Signature?
An electronic signature is when you sign your name to an electronic document using a mouse, touchscreen, stylus or keyboard as proof of your Identity and Intent. There are many definitions of an electronic signature, but the crucial points are that your identity is confirmed, that you intended to sign the document and, once applied, the signature cannot be removed.
Are Electronic Signatures Legal in Australia?
Section 10 of the Electronic Transaction Act 1999 allows documents to be signed electronically if certain conditions are met including:
- A method used to Identify the person who will sign the document
- It is clear that the person intends to sign the document and cannot do so accidently
- The method or system used is appropriate to the circumstances
- That the person or entity whose signature is required consents to giving and signing the documents electronically
- A link to advice from the Australian Taxation Office confirming that client declarations can be made on the Tax Office website*
Section 10 of the Electronic Transaction Act 1999 can be accessed here,
How Secure are Electronic Signatures?
GKRA are using the market leading Adobe EchoSign to provide our electronic signature solution. Adobe EchoSign is very easy to use and has market leading security features which include:
- Full AES 256-BIT SSL Security
- Encrypted Passwords for all documents
- Secure Servers for all stored documents
For each document emailed to you by GKRA you will get a separate SMS message on your mobile phone that ensures the securing of your private information.
Contact us today for more information.